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 I have focused much of my recent work on social issues in regards to feminism and powerful femininity. For my mini concentration, I explore the bane of both: publicized misogyny. Specifically, the misogynist comments made by our resident president throughout the years. As someone in such a place of power, his words are magnified to such a degree. Unfortunately, many of his comments echo a message that is less-than-uplifting toward roughly half of his constituents.

In my piece, I chose to magnify these quotes even further -- not in an accusatory attempt, but to highlight the odiousity of such messages. These quotes are taken from various interviews, tweets, or are other direct quotes. The pink/red wash is meant to evoke traditional femininity, juxtaposed with stereotypical or lewd words directed toward the traditionally feminine. The facts are intended to sharply contrast these quotes by emphasizing the harm words themselves can do. Inspiration was drawn from both prolific artists/artist groups Barbara Kruger and the Guerrilla Girls. I wanted to show how locker room talk is indismisable when similar perspectives are so harmful to women both globally and domestically.

I am well aware of the controversy that may spur from such a statement. There is no intent of accusing the sitting president of such atrocities against women. Rather, it is simply to show the ignorance of such comments and perspectives in the current context of the society we live within. While they may just be words, similar thought processes are detrimental to the safety and well-being of many woman across the country.

The title “Verbatim” means “word-for-word.” This comes from the accuracy of the quotations—these words come directly from our residing president.

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